Getting a Six Pack For Dummies

Aside from eating a steadfast diet of predominantly fast food and soda, the biggest mistake a person can make when training to obtain an impressive set of abs is sticking to the same old workout of crunches, sit ups, and traditional planks all the time. These exercises are ok, but by no means should they be the only tools utilized to carve up your midsection. Like most people you’re probably somebody who hates change, but rest assured that incorporating new movements into your ab routine will not make your workouts longer; quite the opposite actually. What I’m about to teach you will not only provide you a more productive workout, but a shorter one as well.

The Disturbing Truth About N.Y. Resolutions

Here we are once again. The holiday season is winding down, emotions are high, and usually around this time of year we tend to feel pretty damn good about ourselves and the exciting possibilities the New Year has in store. As 2014 comes to an end, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of the New Year, so we can make our obligatory New Years Resolution, and hopefully change our lives in some way.

12 Days of Christmas Home Workout

To workout or not workout on Christmas Day, that is the question? Christmas is a special day for several reasons; spending time with family and loved ones, gifts, and of course you‘ve earned a Get Out Of Jail Free Card for consuming everything and anything your little heart desires, and it’s completely justified because it is after all Christmas, right?!While are brains will undoubtedly tell us that it’s ok to eat everything in sight, sadly our bodies do not get that memo, and this huge calorie surplus could in fact cause some serious problems, especially for those trying to lose weight.

Playlist for a Better Workout

So most of you are all to familiar with what it feels like to arrive at the gym, only to realize you left your headphones at home. For the majority, no music means a less efficient workout. In fact, the research shows that listening to music while exercising will increase intensity and endurance by 15%! Other studies have shown that listening to music during workouts can also increase heart rate and improve oxygen consumption, which in turn allows the body to burn more calories.

Is Snacking Destroying Your Weight Loss Efforts?

If you plan on sticking to your diet and achieving a lean, aesthetic, impressive physique, there are a few things you’re going to need to understand about snacking and the impact it could be having on your progress, or lack there of. I’ve had the opportunity to work with thousands of clients looking to accomplish a wide variety of goals, and can confidently say there are just a handful of mistakes people make that lead to snacking or overeating in such a way that cause their results to be slowed, hindered, or destroyed all together.

Is Regular Cardio Making You Fat?

I realize this will be a somewhat controversial topic and opinions may vary considerably, but today I want to explore and discuss how cardio can and just maybe making you fat! This may seem inconceivable to some, but recent research and scientific evidence shows that long, monotonous, slow and steady state cardio sessions actually hinder your bodies natural ability to burn body fat; specifically in your belly! Cardio directly will not cause you to gain fat, but there are situations where performing cardio in conjunction with other behaviors will lead to unwanted weight gain and increased body fat.

Thanksgiving: What It Really Means

Let’s collectively take a moment to remember and fully understand what Thanksgiving is actually about; the word in itself is comprised of 2 other words commonly used in the English language.

Fast Food: What’s Really In It?

Here’s the deal, if you are educated enough to read this then you are intelligent enough to know fast food isn’t ideal for anything except accruing massive amounts of body fat, making you feel like sh*t after the fact, and spending entirely too much money in the process right? (Average $12.50 per meal)

Do You “Selfie”?

The obligatory “selfie” photo has become a main stay in social media and pop culture. For any of you riding the anti-selfie bandwagon, I regret to inform you that this trend is here to stay and will not be going away anytime soon. But not all selfie enthusiasts fall under the textbook narcissist category; on the contrary, these photos help people everyday stay on track and dramatically expedite the process as far weight loss goals and getting their bodies in peek physical condition.

Spending $151 p/ week to get Fat!?

So here’s the deal boys and girls, it’s no secret that our great nation is facing an epidemic of immense proportion; No I’m not talking about Ebola!! I’m of course alluding to the obesity crisis plaguing our society and shortening our children’s life expectancies.

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