Do You “Selfie”?

The obligatory “selfie” photo has become a main stay in social media and pop culture. For any of you riding the anti-selfie bandwagon, I regret to inform you that this trend is here to stay and will not be going away anytime soon. But not all selfie enthusiasts fall under the textbook narcissist category; on the contrary, these photos help people everyday stay on track and dramatically expedite the process as far weight loss goals and getting their bodies in peek physical condition.

Spending $151 p/ week to get Fat!?

So here’s the deal boys and girls, it’s no secret that our great nation is facing an epidemic of immense proportion; No I’m not talking about Ebola!! I’m of course alluding to the obesity crisis plaguing our society and shortening our children’s life expectancies.

Why Your Low Carb Diet Isn’t Working

You’ve tried all kinds of fad diets, magic pills, and exercise routines with limited success. The times that you have been able to drop some of that repulsive and frustrating body fat that just seems to like you way too much to permanently pack up and leave, it seems it always somehow ends up coming back, and often times, in more abundance then before. So what gives?

The Healthiest Fast Foods

Clearly we are all intelligent enough to know when trying to lose weight, get washboard abs, or rid ourselves of those unsightly love handles and belly fat, the drive-thru should be avoided like the Black Plague. Inevitably, at some point, we will all find ourselves in a position where life happens, and we’re stuck having to re-fuel at one of the many fast food restaurants that generously contribute to the obesity epidemic plaguing our great nation. At this point it’s important we make the most informed decision possible with the limited resources available.

Making Lifestyle Changes

Well, most of us can only keep up with an extreme diet for so long. Once we’ve reached our goal weight, we can’t wait to start eating “normally” again. The problem is, that “normal” eating is what caused all that weight gain in the first place! As soon as you go back to eating the same way you used to, those pounds come marching back on. In order to successfully lose weight and keep it off, you’re going to have to address your entire lifestyle. Hence the principles we advocate with all of you living the Nutrition Solutions Lifestyle. This means looking at what you eat, why you eat it, how much you exercise, and the choices you make both within your personal and professional everyday life.

Bigger Calves in 30 Days…GUARANTEED!!!

I get a lot of questions via email and social media about how to train calves for maximum efficiency.
Calves unfortunately are a problem area for a lot of people, (most guys) but like any problem in life there are often many solutions! Today I’m going to share with you a calve training video that IFBB Pro Lee Banks and myself did to help you improve on the size, symmetry, and overall aesthetics of this difficult to master body part!

What’s Your Story?

It’s truly remarkable just how fast the time goes by. How has 2014 been for you so far? What kind of story would you say you’ve written about yourself this year? Have things panned out the way you intended? Did you run into a set back that caused you to temporarily lose momentum and put your big plans on hold?

HIIT workout with pre-workout and post workout nutrition

So anyone who knows me will you my biggest pet peeve is wasted time! My free time is limited and I do my best to invest it as wisely as possible.
With that said, if you’re wanting to lose fat, build muscle, or get shredded; and do so in ONLY 1 HOUR PER WEEK, check out one of my personal HIIT training workouts where I showcase not only the actual workout, but a closer look on how I fuel my body prior and after one of these intense sessions!

5 Reason You Should Never Skip Breakfast

Anyone else sick of hearing about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day!? If you’re like most then the answer is probably yes. But why have we developed such a negative association with this harmless and simple saying? Simply put, a lot of us either skip breakfast or are purchasing ours from the drive thru or vending machine at work; clearly not the best options by any means especially for those trying to lose weight and live healthier lifestyles. Hearing this short sentence reminds us of the less than stellar choices we may be making on a daily basis, and adversely, we form resentment accordingly on a sub-conscious level. The fact is breakfast is actually the most important meal of the day, but the ongoing issue remains that the majority just do not understand why. So today I’m going to share with you 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast.

Avoid Gaining the Football Season 15!!!!

Time to sport your favorite teams colors, set up a tailgate, have the funnels on standby and the beer cold, and man the grill to show off your Iron Chef skills to all your friends. Once again ladies and gents, football season is here!

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