What a Sh*tty Day!

It happens. Not everyday is going to be filled with rainbows, unicorns, and dancing dwarfs “or” little people (not sure the politically correct term these days) giving you High 5’s while handing out free pizza and tequila shots.
Stress, hardship, and the feeling like you want to punch someone square in the jaw as hard as humanly possible, is an inevitable part of life. The key is to keep said feelings to a bare minimum, and more over, have a plan for when these emotions sneak up, take over and F up our day, and make us feel like the world is working diligently against us.

6 Bad Habits That Are Good For You

So you have some bad habits, do you? No worries, it’s an imperfect world we live in. But what if I told you that scientific research has been conducted proving that some of our most common vices like drinking, late night snacking, and even swearing, can actually improve your overall health, and elongate your life expectancy?
Continue reading to learn about 6 bad habits that are actually good for you!

Dealing with Fitness Haters: How to

So, for all intensive purposes, and for the sake of this blog, when I reference “fitness”, we are talking about the 80% diet, 20% exercise equation. The “fitness’y lifestyle” respectively, is ultimately comprised of 2 sides; One side consists of the ones doing the damn thing, and the people who have started, or about to start doing the damn thing, the other is the person talking about the person doing said “damn thing”.

Looking Good Naked Is Nice, But…

Here we are about to wrap up the month of January, and while our friends in the Northeast have declared a state of emergency due to the blizzard of 2015, those of us in the Jacksonville, Tampa, and Orlando Florida areas have a little more than a month before beach season is once again in full effect.
The benefits of getting yourself in shape are obviously well documented and extensive but the reality is that the majority of said benefits have absolutely NOTHING to do with how good you look naked!

Is Snacking Destroying Your Weight Loss Efforts?

If you plan on sticking to your diet and achieving a lean, aesthetic, impressive physique, there are a few things you’re going to need to understand about snacking and the impact it could be having on your progress, or lack there of. I’ve had the opportunity to work with thousands of clients looking to accomplish a wide variety of goals, and can confidently say there are just a handful of mistakes people make that lead to snacking or overeating in such a way that cause their results to be slowed, hindered, or destroyed all together.

Is Regular Cardio Making You Fat?

I realize this will be a somewhat controversial topic and opinions may vary considerably, but today I want to explore and discuss how cardio can and just maybe making you fat! This may seem inconceivable to some, but recent research and scientific evidence shows that long, monotonous, slow and steady state cardio sessions actually hinder your bodies natural ability to burn body fat; specifically in your belly! Cardio directly will not cause you to gain fat, but there are situations where performing cardio in conjunction with other behaviors will lead to unwanted weight gain and increased body fat.

Thanksgiving: What It Really Means

Let’s collectively take a moment to remember and fully understand what Thanksgiving is actually about; the word in itself is comprised of 2 other words commonly used in the English language.

Fast Food: What’s Really In It?

Here’s the deal, if you are educated enough to read this then you are intelligent enough to know fast food isn’t ideal for anything except accruing massive amounts of body fat, making you feel like sh*t after the fact, and spending entirely too much money in the process right? (Average $12.50 per meal)

Spending $151 p/ week to get Fat!?

So here’s the deal boys and girls, it’s no secret that our great nation is facing an epidemic of immense proportion; No I’m not talking about Ebola!! I’m of course alluding to the obesity crisis plaguing our society and shortening our children’s life expectancies.

What’s Your Story?

It’s truly remarkable just how fast the time goes by. How has 2014 been for you so far? What kind of story would you say you’ve written about yourself this year? Have things panned out the way you intended? Did you run into a set back that caused you to temporarily lose momentum and put your big plans on hold?

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