Why You’re Still Fat 2.0

One of the more controversial but highly popular articles I’ve ever produced was titled “Why are you still fat?”, where I identified and called out a number of reasons and BS stories people come up with as far as why their not getting their bodies looking the way they want.

Cravings: How to deal

I just don’t. It’s not because I’m better than you, more disciplined, obsessed with my body looking a certain way, or am some fanatical health and fitness junkie, although some may perceive me as such. The reason I don’t get cravings is because I take aggressive action to ensure that’s the case.

Never Do This…

Do you weigh yourself daily?
What about multiple times a day on some days?
Does the reading on the scale have the unique ability to completely F up your day instantaneously?
Are you guilty of mentally terrorizing yourself on most days by letting a mechanical device control you life, offset your mood, and hinder your overall productivity on a given day?

Is your "diet" sustainable?

The only “diets” that work are the ones that DON’T leave you hungry after each meal, or cause you to fantasize about about cupcakes, cookies, ice cream, or any other miscellaneous bakery items intermittently throughout the day. If you are experiencing either of these factors, it’s because you’ve restricted your body of everything it wants, and in actuality really needs.

Lose Your Lower Back Love Handles

Are you frustrated with that annoying back and side fat, or love handles as they are commonly referred to as, that no matter what you seem to do, just won’t budge or go away?
Don’t worry; you’re not alone.
These two areas are among the most common problematic spots for fat storage and are typically the most stubborn to do away with.

This will offend some…

For those who may be offended by the following content, let me apologize in advance. It is certainly not my intention to cross any boundaries or hurt anybody’s feelings, but at days end I would not feel right if I didn’t candidly put this out there.
We, as humans, are genetically engineered to do only as much work that’s needed to ensure sustainability, or exist per se.

My 20 minute fat shredding workout

So, you don’t have time to workout? I hear you. Trust me.
Whether you legit feel you’re too busy to commit an hour a day 3-5 days a week, OR you’re crunched for time on a given day, but don’t want to skip the gym altogether, today I’m going to share with you a fat annihilation weight training routine that will not only leave you feeling more pumped than you’ve most likely ever been, but will do so in just 20-25 minutes.

Lose Weight Eating Ice Cream Before Bed!

So I wanted to let you in on one of my little secrets that helps me stay lean year round without losing my sanity in the process….
That is of course eating ice cream with peanut butter and chocolate syrup right before bed at least 6 days a week!
As I’ve said time and time again, the keys to sustainability and achieving success with ones diet are:

Why Low Carb Diets Are Stupid

Without citing numerous (and boring) research and studies that have validated time after time just how dumb low carbohydrate “diets” are for athletes or anyone who’s primary goal is to build lean muscle while simultaneously losing fat, let me instead apologize for all the BS you’ve been fed by the trainer at your gym who obtained his certification over the weekend, (no offense to my personal trainer friends out there killing it!) or the nonsense you’ve come across on social media via fitness personalities with strong selfie games who look the part, but sadly have not the slightest clue about nutrition, biomechanics, kinesiology, and dieting in such a way that promotes sustainability, success, and long term results.

Snack and Shred!

True Life: I despise the words “SNACK”, “SNACKS”, and “SNACKING”. Reason being, everyone has their own definition of the terms in question, and a lot of the time, we try and convince ourselves that mindless snacking is either helping by “speeding up our metabolisms”, or worse, we snack on “healthy snacks” that are not even remotely close to being healthy.

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