I Love This…

I came across a very basic, very accurate meme that depicted exactly how karma …

Sorry, But Low Carb Diets Still Don’t Work…

Without citing numerous (and boring) research and studies that have validated time after time just how dumb low carbohydrate “diets” are for athletes or anyone who’s primary goal is to build lean muscle while simultaneously losing fat, let me instead apologize for all the BS you’ve been fed by the trainer at your gym who obtained his certification over the weekend, (no offense to my personal trainer friends out there killing it!) or the nonsense you’ve come across on social media via fitness personalities with strong selfie games who look the part, but sadly have not the slightest clue about nutrition, biomechanics, kinesiology, and dieting in such a way that promotes sustainability, success, and long term results.

Why You Have To Be In Shape

Just like me it is your personal responsibility to be fit, and cultivate habits consistent to living a healthy lifestyle…

How Many Times a Day You Should Be Eating

The age old question of how many times one should eat per day to achieve the best results with weight loss and lean muscle enhancement, has to be in the top 3 questions I’m asked routinely as it pertains to dieting. With so much conflicting information circulating on the Internet, how can one be sure they’re doing the “right thing” as it relates to their fitness goals? Today I’m going to provide clarity once and for all…

I Wish

Yesterday I came across this short video that one of my mentors posted, and all it did was reinforce something WE all already know…

NEW: Motivation Monday Weekly Content…

We’re officially on the road to summer, so to provide you additional value, and help get you fired up on a day that most of society despises, I’ll be sending you a short video every Monday that I’m hoping will light a metaphorical fire under your a$$!

Do this every morning…

I’m going to tell you the 1 thing I want you to do that will improve on both the way you look and feel significantly!

Nutrition Solutions
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