8 Things Winners Do To Keep Winning

8 Things Winners Do To Keep Winning

If you’re taking the time to read this, it’s because you want to better yourself in some way. 

I’m gonna keep it short and to the point today, and provide you a very specific list of things you can do IMMEDIATELY to start making forward progress in every single area of your life.

Don’t over think it. Just execute. Trust me; you won’t be sorry. 

  • Force yourself every morning to think of all the things you have to be grateful for. (3 minutes minimum) 
  • Look for the opportunity in every failure, setback, crisis and obstacle. It’s there, but you have to be looking for it.
  • Rest, but NEVER quit.
  • Surround yourself with people who you can learn from, and make you feel good. 
  • Spend 30 minutes every day reading/listening to books or some type of personal development.
  • Make your health your #1 priority by eating well and exercising routinely.
  • Increase your productivity 10x by creating a list of 3-4 high priority tasks EVERY DAY.
  • STOP taking weekends off from everything! How will you make progress if you’re taking nearly 30% of your time “off”?! 
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