If a friend of yours is fat, your 57% more likely to be fat too

If a friend of yours is fat, your 57% more likely to be fat too

If the title of this blog offends you, do yourself a favor and stop reading now.

This article will open your eyes to the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people

But first, a semi-disturbing statistic.

If a friend of yours is or becomes obese…

Your chances of following suit are increased by 57%.

This harsh truth was revealed in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine titled, “The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years.”

Picture yourself on a journey.

As you’re navigating the road of self-mastery, you’re flanked by people who match your energy step for step.

Their relentless drive and inspiring commitment to unapologetically being the best version of themselves forces you to constantly elevate your game.

This isn’t a scene from a motivational YouTube video.

It’s a blueprint for guaranteed transformative success.

The people you spend the most time with don’t just sway your day-to-day mood…

They influence your standards, dictate your mindset, and shape your destiny.

Christakis & Fowler’s study isn’t just about gaining weight.

It’s a testament to the power of influence and impact of the company we keep.

This very same principle applies to your ambitions, mindset, and ultimately, success.

Or lack there of.

If personal growth and becoming the best version of YOU is a priority…

Surrounding yourself with people who are striving to be the best version of themselves must be non-negotiable.

If they don’t workout, clearly they have no interest to stepping of their comfort zone to better themselves for the time being.

The comfort zone is the killer of dreams.

Plain and simple…

You need to be around people who bring out the best in you.

People who challenge you to challenge yourself.

People who call you out when you’re f*cking up.

People who will have your back when times get tough.

To live a strong life you must build a strong mind.

Building a strong mind starts with building a body that you are proud of.

There’s 0 exceptions to this rule.

On my journey from juvenile delinquent to drug dealer, to the CEO of an 8 figure business, I’ve learned that ENVIRONMENT IS EVERYTHING

Every explosive growth phase I’ve had in my adult life happened as a direct result of me changing my environment.

Whether it was moving away from my hometown when I was 18…

Moving from the comfort and familiarity of Jacksonville FL. where I lived for 12 years to Tampa to start a new life.

Creating distance from negative people who drained my energy.

Or just cutting out people who were not adding value to my life.

Every time I changed my environment my life got measurably better fast.

10 years ago I made a conscious decision to surround myself exclusively with people who not only shared my vision…

But also pushed me to exceed it.

I didn’t try to find people who already had it all figured out, because God knows I didn’t.

Instead, I focused obsessively on self development and improving my character.

I realized that in order to attract a circle of high value men, I needed to become a high value man myself.

At Nutrition Solutions, our culture embodies this principle.

Our team is highly motivated to accomplish the mission – which is to help people get in the best shape of their life…

With no stress.

Our team is paid for personal development, workouts, and to do community service.

We provide top shelf supplements to help them optimize performance and free high protein, nutrient dense meals on shift.

Additionally, we have a strict no negativity policy.

I always tell our team, that we are NOT in business of selling food.

We are in the business of changing lives.

So it’s imperative that each team member be a good cultural fit.

Bring value is a core value at our company and from day 1 we train the team on what that looks like.

Brutally honest direct feedback is encouraged and we hold each other accountable.

This is the primary reason our company has achieved monumental success over the last couple years.

Today I want you to ask yourself…

Are the people in your life making you better?

Or making you worse?

Are they pushing you toward your goals?

Or dragging you into complacency?

Be intentional about choosing your circle.

Prioritize those who inspire you, want to win, and want to see you win.

Jim Rohn said it best.

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

Choose wisely.

Nutrition Solutions
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