Employee Testimonials

Hear first hand from our team how working at Nutrition Solutions has changed their life!

Client Relations Specialist

“One of the most rewarding feelings is coming to work everyday with people you consider family knowing you’re helping change lives!”
Jake F.

Warehouse Crew

“N.S. helped me find my purpose and gave me a mission!"

Client Relations Specialist

“I learned more in 6 months working here than the previous 21 years of my life combined! I would not be the man I am today without this company and the amazing people here”.
Ciaran F.

Fitness Chef

“N.S. gave me the mindset and confidence to lose 100 pounds in my first 15 weeks here! The CEO of the company invested in me personally (unheard of) and showed me how to be better both personally and professionally!”
Allen E

Warehouse Crew

“Working at N.S. the last 2 years has been the most rewarding experience of my life!
Elan M.


“We get paid to workout, give back in the community and help people change their lives! Enough said!”
Shana F.

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