The 3 BEST Proteins For Fat Loss!

When it comes to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle… Proteins play a vital role! Protein helps increase lean muscle which leads to fat loss and an improved body composition. A high protein diet will also boost metabolism, is highly satiating, helping you feel fuller for longer, even when in a calorie deficit. But […]

Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss – Understanding the difference

People tend to default to the terms “weight loss” or “lose weight” when talking about a fitness goal they want to achieve… But weight loss and fat loss are not one in the same… And if you want to avoid massive amounts of frustration & disappointment… It’s important you understand the difference between the two. […]

4 Good Reasons to Not Get Fat Over the Holidays!


The average American adult will put on 3-5 pounds during the months of November and December. But that’s not the worst part… According to a study done by the New England Journal of Medicine, the average American adult will KEEP 1 whole pound of body fat after the holidays and will add an additional 1 […]

The Single Greatest Fat Loss Hack

Today I’m going to share with you The Single Greatest Fat Loss Hack that’s GUARANTEED to get you the results you seek with your fitness goals… But first, I want to share 5 Powerful, Simple Fat Loss Tips that will help change your life! Set a Calorie Goal Instead of a Time Goal For Cardio […]

Fad Diets: The Scientific Truth

Here’s the scientific truth behind fad diets… In general, you will lose weight in a short period of time. But the chances are that soon after you will gain back more weight than you had originally lost, leaving you frustrated, depressed, and with a negative neurological association with the process of “healthy eating”. Fad diets […]

Is Regular Cardio Making You Fat?

So I realize this will be a somewhat controversial topic, but if you read to the end, you might be shocked to learn how steady-state cardio can and just maybe causing you to put on weight! Cardio directly will not cause you to gain fat, but there are situations where performing cardio in conjunction with […]

How to lose love handles and lower back fat

Are you frustrated with that stubborn, annoying back and side fat? Or “love handles” as they are commonly referred to as, that no matter what you seem to do, just won’t go away? Don’t worry… you’re not alone. In fact, this area is probably the most common problematic spot for fat storage and are typically […]

Single Greatest Fat Loss Hack” Known to Man…


Today I’m Going to Share With You The Single Greatest Fat Loss Hack there is, that’s GUARANTEED to get you the results you seek with your fitness goals… But first, I want to share 5 Powerful, Simple Fat Loss Tips that will help change your life! Set a Calorie Goal Instead of a Time Goal […]

Is the Keto Diet Best for You?

The keto diet has gained a lot of media attention throughout 2018, you must have noticed this right? In case you were unsure, the keto diet is a really specific high fat, moderate protein, and low carb system of eating, made famous for its supposed ability to help people burn fat while eating a lot […]

Detox Diets – The Truth

I wanted to share a popular post we put on our Instagram around detox diets! Here’s a graphic and a short text…

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