Don’t Let this Happen While Quarantined!


I know how draining it is having to constantly hear about the impact the current pandemic is having on society, businesses, the economy and everyone who’s currently out of work, so today I thought instead of beating the dead horse, that I would provide you something of real value that I believe a lot of […]

The BEST Cardio For Fat Loss


It’s not a coincidence that elite athletes across all disciplines perform high intensity interval training, or HIIT, to improve performance and keep their bodies in peak physical condition. But you don’t have to be an elite athlete to extract the amazing, fat torching benefits that HIIT brings to the table! But what exactly is HIIT? […]

Three Lies That Have Made America Sick & Fat


I’m just going to get to the point here because your time is valuable and I respect you… As it relates to nutrition, good health and what we should be eating / not eating to look & feel out best; The level of misinformation on the internet or being spread by individuals like that one […]

How to GUARANTEE Success With Your N.Y. Resolution


So here we are 5 days into the New Year… Have you committed to, or made a resolution for this year? Most will ignore the opportunity to set new goals come the New Year due to not following through in the past & experiencing the negative feelings that come when we fail to honor our […]

CARBS!! The Shocking Truth…


You’ve probably heard at some point or another the fact that carbohydrates are basically the “Adolf Hitler” of macro nutrients and are solely responsible for all weight/fat gain the world over! Well, maybe not to that extreme, but you get my point… In today’s message I’m going to give you a short, easy to understand […]

Diet Soda Could be Making You Gain Weight


The food and beverage industry would love for you to think that they have your best interest in mind as far as maintaining an optimal weight and overall level of health. The Coca-Cola company is certainly a front runner in creating this illusion, as they prominently promote the fact that they have 180 low, or […]

How to Wake Up Earlier? Fail safe process to making it happen!


A lot of people tell me they want to get up earlier to get more done, be more productive and overall have better habits that will help them achieve success… But… Will admit when that alarm sounds they end up hitting the snooze button for another hour and overall just have a tough time creating […]

THE SHOCKING TRUTH: “What’s Really In the Fast Food You Eat?”


The information I am about to share with you was the catalyst for me permanently giving up fast food forever but I have to warn you, it’s pretty disturbing! 70% of Americans admit to indulging and spending their hard-earned money on fast food at least 3 days per week, so I thought it was important […]

6 Secret Sleeping Habits of Successful People!


Do you have a hard time sleeping? Do you feel like you’re not sleeping as well as you probably should be? Are you someone who is always super tired when you wake up in the morning or gets really sleepy in the afternoon because you didn’t get a good nights sleep the night before? If […]

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