9 Things To Stop Saying Forever!


Our words matter. They have the ability to build us up, or break us down. So it’s important we choose the words that will help us reach our goals and evolve into the people we wish to become… Here are 9 things you should NEVER say and why… 1. “I don’t have time.”⠀ You don’t know […]

What Are You Afraid Of?


Let’s face it…you’re afraid. We’re all afraid of something. There are 7.6 billion people on earth and we all experience fear. But what’s the most common fear? It’s not snakes. …or death. It’s change. Change demands you do something different. It requires you to step out of the familiar, embrace uncertainty and alter your existing […]

F “Trying”


With a New Year less than 48 hours away and the season of resolutions officially upon us, I wanted to check-in and ask you something… How many people do you know that decided to start something new… Something that will objectively help them grow as a person… Who rather than burning their boats, attacking the […]

Right now the small wins matter…


In times of uncertainty, hardship and chaos, momentum is of the utmost importance. Winning matters. And in life, one thing is for sure; Without all the small wins, the big one will never happen. Right now, it’s no secret that life is a little different than what we’re all used to, which is why it’s […]

Life Doesn’t Always Play Fair


Sometimes life hits hard… It hits below the belt, doesn’t care about our feelings and no matter how hard we try to avoid it, sneaks up on us at the worst times imaginable.⠀ So it’s critical we’re prepared for when the storm hits. Mentally tough people weren’t just born that way. Mental toughness is something […]

Do You Ever Eat Trash Food To Help Manage Stress? Read This Now If So!


Here’s the bottom line with stress: it can make us fat, sick, eat away at our brain and literally kill us if we let it! But let’s take a look and try to understand why… The physical impact of stress causes the release of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol causes all kinds of issues, including an […]

This May Be Hurting Your Immune System


Do you get sick often, frequently feel “under the weather” take more sick days off from work than most, or just know you could be doing a better job prioritizing your health? Chances are you may have a weakened immune system. Your immune system is a complex process of checks and balances that helps fight […]

STRESS! 3 Scientifically Proven Ways to Stay Calm In Stressful Times


It’s been over a century since we’ve faced a global pandemic that’s had such a drastic impact on the economy and daily life like this one has. In the U.S. tens of thousands have passed away, tens of millions are out of work, businesses are having to make some very difficult decisions as many are […]

Don’t Let this Happen While Quarantined!


I know how draining it is having to constantly hear about the impact the current pandemic is having on society, businesses, the economy and everyone who’s currently out of work, so today I thought instead of beating the dead horse, that I would provide you something of real value that I believe a lot of […]

The BEST Cardio For Fat Loss


It’s not a coincidence that elite athletes across all disciplines perform high intensity interval training, or HIIT, to improve performance and keep their bodies in peak physical condition. But you don’t have to be an elite athlete to extract the amazing, fat torching benefits that HIIT brings to the table! But what exactly is HIIT? […]

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